Thursday, March 20, 2014

Our first day together begins...

We moved into our real room together that night. Oh what a blessing a real hospital bed is compared to a delivery bed. There is a difference, let me tell you!!! It's all in the padding and you really feel it when you have been in it for 36 hours or so... My wonderful lovely nurse had the foresight to order me dinner before they closed so I still had a hot meal waiting for me. All my beautiful flowers were carted along to my room and my husband and boys did a great job of setting things up.

I was pretty tired but I spent the night similar to how I spent the night when Colin and Brandon were first born... I held Xena for most of it in my arms and just marveled at this little being. You forget how small they start out as.. especially when you have two teenage boys that are nearly as big as you if not bigger.

I was amazed at the baby type similarities she had with Colin and ones she had with Brandon and then things that were all her own.. But most amazing to me was some of the detailed features of Harland that I saw in her.

My first selfie with my daughter :) I couldn't resist.


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